Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Evening Flight

Inspired by Jerry Yarnell, this painting is called Evening Flight. I'm still barely keeping up in the Yarnell Painting Blitz. This is from book 1 painting #3. I did this in acrylic paints on a 16 X 20 canvas. Those geese were quite a challenge. I even free-handed them. I've been taking a sketching class, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Seems I must be learning something because I wasn't even intimidated when I got out the charcoal to skethc them in. I think I'm pretty happy how this turned out.

Monday, September 24, 2007

High Country Majesty

This is painting number 2 in the Jerry Yarnell book one. This is a 12 X 16 canvas and I painted it with acrylics. I liked the way the rocks turned out. I feel like I am learning alot by doing each of the paintings in the books. I'm not so sure I like the fall, but over-all I am happy with this one.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Chuurch in the Wildwood

Here's a nice painting that I did inspired by Jerry Yarnell. Gisele challenged me to paint every painting in every Yarnell book. This is the first one. I enjoyed learning the glazing of the water in this one, as well as, all of the reflections in the water. This is 16 X 20 canvas and painted in acrylics.